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          "Каждая цивилизация в определенном возрасте имеет возможность возвысить, или разрушить себя. Если делается выбор в пользу возвышения, то возникает импульс, позволяющий появиться учениям об утерянных законах сущего".   (Высший разум, ченнелинг).   
                                                                            М.И. Беляев, 2015г,©
Предыдущая Следующая

55.  Koch-Weser, Erich. 1930. Germany in the Post-War World. Dorrance & Co.

56. Koenisberg, Richard A. 1975. Hitler's Ideology: A Study in Psychoanalytic Sociology. The Library of Social Science.

57.  Кцппетап, Erwin; Krusch, Hans-Joachim. 1972. Aktionseinheit contra Kapp-Putsch. Dietz Verlag.

58.  Kosok, Paul. 1933. Modern Germany: A Study of Conflicting Loyalties. University of Chicago Press.

59.  Langer, Walter С The Mind of Adolf Hitler: The Secret Wartime Report. Basic Books.

60.  Lee, Marshall M.; Michalka, Wolfgang. 1987. German Foreign Policy 1917—1933. Berg.

61.  Linklater, Magnus; Hilton, Isabel; Ascherson, Neal. 1985. The Nazi Legacy: Klaus Barbie and the International Fascist Connection. Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

62.  Ludecke, Kurt G. W. 1937. I Knew Hitler. Charles Scribners.

63.  Manvell, Roger; Fraenke, Heinrichl. 1969. The Ca-naris Conspiracy: The Secret Resistance to Hitler in the German Army. David McKay Company.

64. McKenzie, John R. P. 1971. Weimar Germany 1918— 1933. Rowman and Littlefield.

65. Merker, Paul. Vol. 1, 1944, Vol. 2, 1945. Deutschland: Sein oder nicht sein? El Libra Libre, Mexico City.

66. Messenger, Charles. 1991. The Last Prussian: A Biography of Field Marshal Gerd von Rundstedt 1875—1953. Brassey's.

67. Mitcham, Samuel W. 2014. Why Hitler? The Genesis of the Nazi Reich, Praeger.



68. Mommsen, Hans. 1991. From Weimar to Auschwitz. Princeton University Press.

69. Morgan, J. H. 1945. Assize of Arms: Being the Story of the Disarmament of Germany and Her Rearmament 1919— 1939. Methuen & Co.

70.  Murphy, David Thomas. 2014. The Heroic Earth: Geopolotical Thought in Weimar Germany 1918-1933. Kent State University Press.

71. Nicholls, A. J. 1991. Weimar and the Rise of Hitler. St. Martin's Press.

72. Nicholls, Anthony; Matthias, Erich (eds.). 1971. German Democracy and the Triumph of Hitler. George Allen and Unwin.

73. Pachter, Henry. 1982. Weimar Studies. Columbia University Press.

74. Paris, Erna. 1986. Unhealed Wounds: France and the Klaus Barbie Affair. Grove Press.

75.  Patch, William L. 2014. Heinrich Briining and the Dissolution of the Weimar Republic. Cambridge University Press.

76.  Payne, Robert. 1973. The Life and Death of Adolf Hitler. Praeger.

77. Peterson, Edward N. 1969. The Limits of Hitler's Power. Princeton University Press.

78.  Pool, James. 2014. Hitler and His Secret Partners: Contributions, Loot and Rewards 1933—1945. Pocket Books.

79. Price, G. Ward. 1938. I Know These Dictators. Henry Holt and Company.

80. Price, Morgan Philips. 2014. Dispatches from the Weimar Republic: Versailles and German Fascism. Pluto Press.


81.  Robinson, Jacob. 1965. And the Crooked Shall Be Made Straight: The Eichmann Trial, the Jewish Catastrophe, and Hannah Arendt's Narrative. Macmillan.

82. Roll, Erich. 1933. Spotlight on Germany: A Survey of Her Economic and Political Problems. Faber & Faber Limited.

83.  Russell (Lord) of Liverpool. 1963. The Record: The Trial of Adolf Eichmann for His Crimes Against the Jewish People and Against Humanity. Alfred A. Knopf.

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