Предыдущая Следующая
157 Цитируется с разрешения редакции журнала Nature, Vol. 144, No. 3646,
521-522, copyright, 1939, Macmillian Publishers Ltd.
100 книг
по истории Германии
в период
Веймарской республики
без ссылок на евгенику в предметном указателе
1. Abel, Theodore. 1938,
1966. The Nazi Movement. Ather-ton Press.
2. Abel, Theodore. 1938.
Why Hitler Came into Power. Prentice-Hall.
3. Arendt, Hannah. 1965.
Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil. Viking Press.
4. Baird, Jay W. 1990. To Die for Germany:
Heroes in the Nazi Pantheon. Indiana University Press.
5. Barnouw, DagMarch 1988. Weimar Intellectuals
and the Threat of Modernity. Indiana University Press.
6. Berg-Schlosser,
Dirk; Rytlewski, Ralf (eds). 1993. Political Culture in Germany. St. Martin's
7. Brecht, Arnold. 1944. Prelude to Silence: The
End of the German Republic. Oxford University Press, New York.
8. Bullock, Alan. 1962.
Hitler: A Study in Tyranny. Harper & Row.
9. Carsten, Francis
L. 1965. Reichswehr und Politik 1918— 1933. Kiepenheuer & Witsch. Reissued
in English in 1966 by Oxford at the Clarendon Press.
10. Cecil, Robert. 197. The Myth of the Master
Race: Alfred Rosenberg and Nazi Ideology. Dodd Mead & Company.
11. Childs, David. 1991.
Germany In the Twentieth Century. HarperCollins Publishers.
12. Compton, James
V. 1967. The Swastika and the Eagle: Hitler, the United States, and the Origins
of World War II. Houghton Mifflin Company.
13. Shirer, William. L. 1990. The Rise and Fall
of the Third Reich: A History of Nazi Germany, Touchstone Books.
14. Davidson,
Eugene. 2014. The Unmaking of Adolf Hitler. University of Missouri Press.
15. Diehl, James M. 1977. Paramilitary Politics
in Weimar Germany. Indiana University Press.
16. Dobkowski, Michael N.; Wallimann, Isidor. 1989.
Radical Perspectives on the Rise of Fascism in Germany 1919—1945. Monthly
Review Press.
17. Eksteins, Modris. 1975. The Limits of Reason:
The German Democratic Press and the Collapse of Weimar Democracy. Oxford
University Press.
18. Eschenburg, Theodor; Fraenkel, Ernst;
Sontheimer, Kurt; Matthis, Erich; Morsey, Rudolph; Flechtheim, Os-sip K.;
Bracher, Karl Dietrich; Krausnick, Helmut; Roth-fels, Hans; Kogon, Eugen. 1966.
The Path to Dictatorship 1918—1933: Ten Essays. Frederick A. Praeger.
19. Eyck, Erich. 196.
A History of the Weimar Republic.
20. Farago, Ladislas. 1974. Aftermath: Martin
Bormann and the Fourth Reich. Simon Schuster.
21. Feuchtwanger, E. J. 2014. From Weimar to
Hitler: Germany 1918—1933. St. Martin's Press.
22. Fraser, Lindley. 1945. Germany Between Two
Wars: A Study of Propaganda and War-Guilt.Oxford University
23. Frazer, David. 1993. Knight's Cross: A Life
of Field
Marshal Erwin
Rommel. HarperCollins.
6 Д. Глэд
24. Fried, Hans Ernest. 1943. The Guilt of the
German Army. The Macmillan Company.
25. Fritsche, Peter. 2014. Germans Into Nazis.
Harvard University Press. Предыдущая Следующая