- Introduction to the question
- Let's start with the simple
- When it says no, and when no
- Using "not" and "neither" with different parts of speech
- Results
Today we talk about literacy. Each of us sometimes suffers from her absence. Due to certain circumstances information is forgotten. But in some situations you need to explain the essence of your actions, especially when you help your child with homework. In order to clarify or refresh in memory some vague moments, and this article is written. Today we will analyze when it is written "not", and when "neither." In order to simplify and speed up the process of perception of “new”, well-forgotten information, the article will be more like a table than a coherent text. So let's get started.
Introduction to the question
There are many particles in the Russian language, and thanks to this our language acquires high plasticity and a certain charm, but at the same time it becomes extremely difficult to learn, and variable in the use of certain words. Because of this, there are certain incidents. For example, “the kettle cools for a long time” and “the kettle does not cool for a long time” - these are statements with the same meaning. Many foreigners are shocked by the phrase: “No, probably.” Moreover, the presence of double negation sometimes makes translation from Russian very difficult.
Let's start with the simple
Therefore, even in such trifles as the spelling of particles, we have to follow certain rules. Usually these rules do not imply a double interpretation and are quite simple. For example, the two most common rules that most often make mistakes:
- The particles “would”, “li”, “same” are written separately, and also separately written “here”, “as if”, “after all”, “they say” and others. The second rule says that the particles: “koi”, “ some-, "-to", "-none", "or-", "-de", "-ka", "-toki", "-to", "-tyka" and "-c" are always written through a hyphen. As we can see, the rule itself is simple, like addition.
But there are such particles as “not” and “not”, and, unfortunately, the younger generation, and sometimes some wise men, do not understand at all when “not” is written, and when “not” is written. For this and need the following table.
When it says no, and when no
To begin, consider the general notions of the spelling “not” and “neither,” and their place in the sentence. Particulars analyze later. For example, when "no" is written in negative sentences.
The use of "not" and "neither" NeNi1. In denials. I have not been at home for a long time. Use to enhance denial. I do not know you or your friend2. In independent interrogative and exclamatory sentences. Why not remember your friends more often? They would not go anywhere 2. In the subordinate part of the sentence, to strengthen the statement. We could not do it, no matter how tried 3. Used with indefinite, negative pronouns and negative adverbs, under stress. No one had to ask3. With indefinite, negative pronouns and some adverbs in the unstressed position, "no" is always written in sentences. Never remember the insultsUsing "not" and "neither" with different parts of speech
From the previous table, we learned when it says "not", and when "neither." Now it is worth turning to more specific cases, namely: how both particles are used with other parts of speech. First consider, in which case "no" is written separately. According to generally accepted rules, it happens almost always. An exception is the case when “neither” is written in negative pronouns and pronoun adverbs without a preposition. For example: nothing, nobody, draw, etc. In the case of "not", everything is a bit more complicated, and therefore, for clarity, we will use the table.
"Not" with different parts of speechPart of SpeechSincently SeparateNoun1. If a noun is not used without a “no” (loser) .2. If a word has a synonym without “not” (false - false) 1. Contrasting (not the rain, but the sun) .2. In interrogative sentences in the construction “isn’t it so?” Adjective1. If the adjective is not used without “not.” 2. If there is a synonym without “not” (middle-aged is old) .3. If we oppose, using the union "but" (an unsweetened apple, but juicy) .4. In short adjectives, when the full form is written together1. If something is contrasted through the union “a” or when it is implied (not curved, but tortuous) .2. With relative adjectives. In short adjectives, when the full form is written separately. Numerical: Always written separately. Place: In indefinite and negative pronouns without a preposition (something, someone) With other pronouns; Verb If it does not exist without “not” in the prefix "misunderstand" With the rest of the participlesParticipationIf the full participle stands without the dependent word (unverified person) 1. If there are dependent words next to the full participle.2. If the sacrament is contrasted (not learned, but only read verse) Adverb1. If does not exist without "no." 2. In adverbs ending in -о, -е, if there is a synonym (unwisely - stupid) 1. In adverbs on -o, -e, if there is an opposition.2. In adverbs on -o, -e in such phrases: not at all, not at all, not at all, not at all. If an adverb is hyphenatedResults
As we see, the use of "not" and "nor" seems difficult only at first glance. Visually, there are many rules, but in fact most of the statements are repeated for many parts of speech. Therefore, it is worth more carefully to re-read these rules and bring out a certain quintessence for yourself when using “not”, and when “neither”, and feel free to enjoy literacy and life without mistakes.
A source
Why not remember your friends more often?2. In interrogative sentences in the construction “isn’t it so?