- Is it possible to learn 50-200 words per day?
- How many words a day to learn? Some principles of effective vocabulary increase
Without a good vocabulary it is very difficult to speak English. But how many words a day is worth learning? The authors of modern methods promise that using their methods you can learn up to 100 (and some even say the number 200!) Words per day. Is it real? Let's find out!
Is it possible to learn 50-200 words per day?
People themselves do not understand how badly they want to be deceived. (Joe Chung) We have long wanted to discuss this urgent issue. Dozens of different methods, books, webinars, which allegedly reveal “intelligence secrets” / “Hollywood methodology” / “method of teaching politicians”, etc., are being advertised. The authors state that thanks to these “secret secrets” anyone can learn from 100 to 200 words per day! It is not true. Indeed, there are unique people who master up to 100 words per day, but this is the exception, not the rule. Ways to study vocabulary are as old as the world, they will not be able to offer anything fundamentally new to you, you can see for yourself by visiting such an event or scrolling through a book. Read in detail about the "techniques of intelligence" in our article " Learn English in 3 months, or How not to let yourself be fooled ". From it you will learn what is hidden under the attractive covers of books in the style of "English in 1 day."
As a rule, the authors of unique techniques advise the use of non-unique, but no less effective methods from this: wind up cards with words or notepads and dictionaries. You can read more about these ways of studying words in the article “ How to learn English words quickly: 15 simple tricks ". We want to say a few words in defense of these authors: indeed, flashcards and notebook-dictionary are real effective methods. Only an ordinary person is unlikely to be able and willing to learn 100 words a day: porridge is good at the dinner table, and not in the head.
How to achieve productive learning up to 100 words per day? According to our teachers and students, for the average person this figure is unrealistic. Think about how much free time you have? Only one thoughtful reading of 100 words (and not a cursory reading, in which nothing is remembered) must be spent at least 20-25 minutes. Then after 15-20 minutes you need to read them again, so that the brain moves them from short-term memory to long-term memory. The method of repetition, described by us in the article " How to repeat to not forget anything »Suggests that you will repeat these words seven more times. Imagine: some day you will need to learn 100 words, repeat them in 20 minutes, and then return to the old words.
Do not forget that the vocabulary is easier to remember in context. Think what will happen if you read in a row 100 different sentences? It turns out no longer training, but some kind of mockery of the body. Of course, there are people with a unique memory, but such units. Moreover, after such experiments, you may have a negative attitude towards English: you are unlikely to experience positive emotions from trying to master such a volume of knowledge. Therefore, we recommend spending precious minutes not on searching for magical methods, but on moderate work with new words.
By the way, in the article " How many English words do you need to speak? »You can find out how much vocabulary you need to learn to speak in English.
How many words a day to learn? Some principles of effective vocabulary increase
How many words a day to learn? And now let's turn to the proven facts: it has long been proven that for an average person it is most effective and realistic to learn 5-10 words a day. It seems that it is not enough, but if you work every day, then in a year you will have about 2000-3500 words! Not so bad, right? But these words, if properly studied, will be fixed in the memory, and you will actively use them in your speech. Thus, an ACTIVE, rather than a passive vocabulary, is formed, read in detail about these types of vocabulary here .
We agree, there are exceptions to the rule: some people can really learn and remember more than 10 words a day. However, if you do not have superpowers, we recommend sticking to the rule “less is more.”
Make yourself a study plan and follow it. On weekends, develop a plan for the week: prepare word lists for each day. Follow your plan every day. If you are learning English with a teacher, the teacher will tell you what to teach, and help you decide on the required volume.
Do not delay for tomorrow what you need to learn today. Some people have a temptation: today I don’t want to teach anything, better tomorrow I will learn a double portion. We would like to warn you against this error. Learning words is akin to meals: less is better, but more often. Imagine that you are too lazy to cook breakfast: you don’t say: “Okay, tomorrow I will eat a double portion”. You are well aware that such a transfer will adversely affect health. If the circumstances are such that you do not have time to learn the necessary words, just transfer them to the next day, no need to double the number of words studied. But do not abuse the weekend: if you put things off on a daily basis, your vocabulary will not increase.
Not a day without a new word. You can do this: if you do not have time to study 5-10 words, learn one word. We are sure each person can find one minute to study one word. Try to do something every day for your English.
The study of one word per day is justified even if it is difficult for you to immediately memorize 5-10 words. This is a normal situation, many beginners in English start with this volume. Try to learn one word per day for two weeks, learn two words a day for the next two weeks, then increase the number of concepts you learn until you reach the number you need - 5-10 words. The main thing is not the amount of memorable vocabulary, but the quality of memorization. It is much better to fix 30 words a week in memory than to study 50 concepts and forget them in a month.
The path to bad habits is shorter. But is it worth looking for easy ways? The rule of habit formation. Nobody argues, to form good habits is not always easy. According to scientists, on average, it takes 21 days. Therefore, you need not to shirk studying for 21 days, and then you will do it automatically, by virtue of the habit.
Hopefully, we managed to dispel the myth of how many words a day should be taught. Is it difficult to force yourself to learn a new vocabulary? Then you need a person who will motivate you and help you learn English. Learn more about learning english by skype Perhaps one of our teachers is exactly what you need.
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Is it possible to learn 50-200 words per day?How many words a day to learn?
But how many words a day is worth learning?
Is it real?
Is it possible to learn 50-200 words per day?
How to achieve productive learning up to 100 words per day?
Think about how much free time you have?
Think what will happen if you read in a row 100 different sentences?
How many words a day to learn?
Not so bad, right?